Frequently Asked Questions
Where is the tax office located?
The tax office is located at 138 East Road. The building is separate from the residence. There are 3 parking spaces in front of the office and a brick walkway. If you need directions, just let me know.
When are the tax bills mailed?
The Bucks County and Doylestown Township real estate tax bills are mailed on March 1st of each year. The Central Bucks School District real estate tax bills are mailed on July 1st of each year.
My invoice shows different due dates, why?
Depending on when you pay, different amounts are due.
County/Township tax bill due dates:
April 30th – 2% discount
June 30th – face amount
December 31st – 10% penalty
School tax bill due dates:
August 31st – 2% discount
October 31st – face amount
December 31st – 10% penalty
Does the payment have to be received by the due dates?
No. Payments that were mailed simply need to be postmarked by the due date in order to be accepted.
What if the due date is a weekend?
If the due date is a weekend, then the postmark of the next business day can be accepted. For instance, the discount due date for the 2022 county/township tax bill was April 30, 2022, a Saturday. Discount payments dropped off at the tax office or postmarked on or before May 2, 2022 were accepted. Discount payments dropped off at the tax office or postmarked on or after May 3, 2022 were not accepted.
I can’t find my tax bill, what should I do?
If you have misplaced your bill, send an email to me at the tax office Sarah.Tomlinson@ymail.com. I will email you back a copy of the bill. You can also stop by the tax office during office hours or call 215.740.6380 and request that a copy be mailed to you. Please include your name and parcel number in your request.
My mortgage company pays my tax bill, so why did I receive one in the mail?
The bill is always mailed, even if it is paid by your mortgage company. I do send payment files to some mortgage companies, but you should check with yours as you may need to send them a copy of the one that you received in the mail.
I use online bill pay through my bank. When should I request the tax payment check be sent?
I have found that there can be delays in the checks being mailed when taxpayers use the online bill pay function through their banks. I recommend that you schedule payment at least 2 weeks prior to the due date. Oftentimes multiple checks with different issue dates drawn from the same bank are in a single envelope. I have had to return checks drawn before the due date since the payment was not postmarked on or before the due date, so better safe than sorry.
I received an interim invoice. What is it for and will my mortgage company pay it?
Interim tax bills are created when there is a change in the assessed value of your parcel subsequent to the initial tax bill. For instance, if you put in pool in May 2020, an interim tax bill will be sent to you for the 2020 county/township real estate taxes prorated for 8 months (May – December). You would also receive an interim 2020/2021 school bill prorated for 2 months (May – June). It is important to note that the county/township tax year is January – December and the school tax year is July – June.
Not all mortgage companies pay interim invoices, so you should check with your mortgage company to determine if you should pay the invoice yourself. Do not assume that the mortgage company will pay.
What happens if my tax bills are not paid by December 31st?
Unpaid tax bills as of December 31st are considered delinquent. A list of the unpaid county/township bills are sent to Bucks County Tax Claim Bureau and the unpaid school bills are sent to Portnoff & Associates for further collection efforts and liens are placed on the parcels. Once this occurs, payment for that parcel cannot be accepted by the tax collector. All payments must be made directly to the tax claim bureau. Please be aware that there may be additional interest, penalties and fees now due.
Where is the Bucks County Tax Claim Bureau located?
55 East Court Street
Third Floor, Administration Building
Doylestown, PA 18901
I have questions about the Earned Income Tax and/or Local Services Tax. Whom do I contact?
I do not collect the Earned Income Taxes (EIT) or the Local Services Tax (LST). Please contact Keystone Collection Services with EIT or LST questions.
Keystone Collections Group
PO Box 529
Irwin, PA 15642-0529
888-328-0565 or 866-539-1100
What is the homestead rebate and how do I apply for it?
The homestead rebate is a program in which the assessed value of a parcel qualifying as a homestead or farmstead will be reduced for school property tax purposes. The rebate is not automatic and taxpayers must apply. The application and instructions can be found on the Board of Assessment site.
I believe my assessment is too high. How do I have it reduced?
Taxpayers can appeal the assessed value of their parcel. An application must be completed and a non-refundable $35.00 filing fee must be submitted with the appeal. The documentation must be filed in the office of the Buck County Board of Assessment Appeals before the close of business of August 1st of each year. The application can be found under the Residential Appeal section of the Board of Assessment webpage.